Draw the Circle Wide

It’s finally here!  This is the final version of our “Draw the Circle Wide” Chalice music video that so many of you contributed to.  It officially opened the UUA General Assembly this year on Wednesday, June 23 and is now available for your viewing and sharing pleasure. 

When sharing, please share the link here on our website so people new to Chalice and Unitarian Universalism will get a sense of what we’re about. When viewing for yourself and family, please feel free to download it directly to your computer or digital device and play it from there.  It will play more smoothly that way, rather than being reliant on your internet connection.

If you think you’ve seen the entire video, you haven’t!  This is the Director’s cut with a special guest appearance at the very, very end. You’ll know it when you see it, so make sure you watch through all of the credits.

Thank you again for everything everyone contributed. 

I tried to count the number of people in front of and behind the camera and can only say with certainty that over 70 congregants contributed. I want to thank my core partners in creative crime: Trey Henry, Casey Dake, Anthony Concepcion, Merlin Snider, Rev. Nica and the naturally gifted, Rocklyn Hess. We could not have done this without all of them, and all of YOU!

It was truly a labor of love.

In Gratitude,

Michael Guinn

One Response to “Draw the Circle Wide

  1. Hi Michael,
    My name is Camille Hatton. I serve as the music director at the UU in Monterey, CA. I was stoked to hear your lyric change in Draw the Circle Wide. I would love to make that same modification. Who did you write to or do you know if there is a blanket permission for this less ableist version? Many thanks!

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