Online and In Person – 10 am Sunday

Matthew Chapa

Deja You?

A confluence of: expectations, routines, comfort, hubris and the like become our “winning formula” that could be holding us back from fulfillment & happiness

Welcome – Matt Chapa 

Introduction – Anahi Quiroz 

Call to Worship – Matt Chapa

Chalice Lighting – Anahi Quiroz 

Opening Hymn #40 , “The Morning Hangs a Signal ” (for those using a hymnal, the melody is from #262)

Time for All Ages “If I Never Forever Endeavor” by Holly Meade     


Manna Collection – Matt Chapa

Offering Words – Torkil Hammer 

Offering Music – Kū Há aheo

Joys and Sorrows – You may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chatbox during the service if you are online. If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can email them during the week to

Time of Meditation – Matt Chapa

Meditation Hymn: # 391, “ Voice Still and Small ” 

Sermon- Deja You?” Matt Chapa 

Closing Hymn – # 1001,  “ Breaths ”

Benediction – Matt Chapa

Announcements – Anahi Quiroz 

Extinguishing the Chalice – Matt Chapa

Postlude – Anthony Concepcion

This week we will host a special collection to benefit the Hawaii Community Foundation – Maui Strong Fund in support of the many people struggling as a result of wildfires. You can learn more here:

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