One evening in December of 1961, a handful of Unitarians got together at the now extinct Redwood Lodge to talk about starting a fellowship. Mainly couples with young families, they were hoping to find a place to voice their liberal views and provide religious education for their children. With assistance from the UUA Extension, they formed the Tri-Valley UU Fellowship and affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association in February of 1962. Members eagerly took the many workshops given by the Pacific Southwest District so they could learn how to run this organization effectively. The Fellowship quickly grew in those early years, attracting many teachers, writers and other creative members with its stimulating lectures and programs. Members were energetic and visionary, having a spirit that still prevails to this day.

From the very beginning, attaining our own facilities was important so we started a building fund and in 1969 purchased a midtown residence that we had to sell in 1974 because of zoning restrictions. Before and since, we have rented in many locations. On July 13, 2008 we held our first service at our own church home at 3327 Old Conejo Road where we presently meet.

With Rev. Brandis we created our Mission Statement: “We nurture spiritually courageous people, who transform the world through justice and compassion” which appears on our Sanctuary Wall. After Rev. Brandis left, we had another Interim Minister, Rev. Anne Hines.

In May 2016, we called our now settled and much loved Rev. Nica Eaton-Guinn. Rev. Nica has shepherded us into becoming financially stable & spiritually grounded.  She introduced Soul Matters, a monthly Thematic Program that connects worship, RE and small groups. She united us in our Social Justice work, creating our 4 justice ministries – Economic Justice, Racial & Cultural Justice, Reproductive/Gender & Climate Change, helping us always to look at our work through a spiritual lens. We continue to be a welcoming congregation, our Religious Education program is thriving as new families join, and we have many small groups, special interest gatherings, and spiritual groups bringing folks together. In the 2019-20 year, we added the name Chalice to our current name, after a year of discernment and voting by the congregation.