Author: Jill Lewis

Social Action Updates

We can’t put November behind us or wish the bad things away. The shooting and the fires will have a continued impact on us. But I hope that you also experienced some healing, some renewal, some warmth and support from your families and friends … read more.

Fire News and Links

VC Emergency
For the latest on wildfires in Ventura County go to
This site has current fire maps and evacuation notices, as well as links to other resources.

County of Ventura Human Services Agency
The County of Ventura Human Services Agency is making rental assistance and … read more.

November Religious Education News

Breathe. Hold each other and breathe.

You have all been on my mind and in my heart for the past week. I have seen your faces and heard your voices around every corner. I have sent out prayers, both silent and vocal. I have waited … read more.

President’s Message Nov. 2018

Our theme this month is memory, and this seems to be quite appropriate in the month of Thanksgiving. There are obviously many different family events, and different ways to celebrate or honor them. For me, Thanksgiving has always been my favorite.

If there was ever … read more.

Minister’s Message November 2018

Theme – Memory

As I write this, I am preparing to head out the door to join more than 10,000 persons of faith and conscience from 80 nations and more than 200 unique spiritual traditions at The Parliament of World Religions.  The Parliament only gathers every … read more.

Religious Education News

When ever someone mentions ‘sanctuary’, I often conjure images of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. A person who was shunned, hunted, and damned found solace in a church. This was the one place he felt safe, the one place he knew he was free … read more.

President’s Message October 2018

There are lots of things going on this October at CVUUF. Chalice Circles are back and will begin in the next couple of weeks, our new LGBTQ+ Teen Drop In had their first meeting just a few nights ago, and of course YRUU is … read more.

Minister’s Message October 2018

       Minister’s Newsletter Column – Sanctuary

As we begin our month focused on the theme of Sanctuary, I am reflecting on how we repeatedly offer sanctuary to one another as friends, as family, as a community and as a … read more.

Social Justice Message

Grace DiTommaso
Director of Social Justice


What a September we have had and are having! I mean that in terms of CVUUF and the ongoing political debacles. It is challenging to turn from the TV screen to pay attention to “real life.”

If I tried to … read more.

President’s Message

Welcome to our new rotating column in News and Notes and on the website! As Board President I will be writing the second week of every month, after Reverend Nica begins the month’s rotation in the first week. She is a wonderful writer, … read more.