• Masking Policy Announcement October 2022

    Chalice is always monitoring conditions around Covid-19. The community risk levels of Ventura County, Santa Barbara County, and Los Angeles Counties are all at the low level. Given this change, the Board of Trustees of Chalice has voted to highly recommend wearing masks indoors at Chalice rather than requiring them. The buildings of Chalice have good ventilation systems and we have added extra filtration. We also have a practice of keeping the doors open while the buildings are occupied. These things, as well as a high vaccination level among our members allows us to comfortably give the option for not wearing a mask to those who wish.  Whatever decision people make as they walk through our doors, they are welcome. 

    We would also like to remind people that a new bivalent booster shot is now available for those whose last booster shot was at least two months ago. Meanwhile, our choir has decided to keep masking through October while they sing, to give everyone time to get the latest booster shot. 

    To our dear families at Chalice and RE volunteers, these changes to masking will not affect your time in RE spaces. Our rooms upstairs in Fellowship Hall, as well as Childspace, do not have access to outdoor airflow. Along with this, the most current booster shot is not available to anyone under the age of 18. Considering these pieces, we will continue to ask all who participate in Religious Education programming in these spaces to remain masked. Our children and teens continue to be one of our most vulnerable populations. Out of love and respect for them and their families, we will do what we can within our power to keep them as safe as possible. As for special events like Hangouts and Families Care, please watch for updates as they are advertised.

    The Board will continue to evaluate the situation and should conditions worsen and numbers go up, they may make a change to this policy in future.

    Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. We look forward to seeing you at Chalice soon.

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