Church Library
Want to learn more about Unitarian Universalism? Or maybe you need some readings for a worship service or a social gathering? Or books on parenting with a UU approach? Come to our library. We have a great collection to aid you on your spiritual journey including self-help books, psychology, major religions including goddess religion and paganism. Our collection numbers over 1700 items and is fully accessible by an online catalog by keyword, author, title, and subject. We also have a list of the latest books added to the collection.
The majority of our books are in the Board Room on the second floor of Fellowship Hall. There are others at point of usage: The Children’s Activity Room, Young Religious UU Room, Adult Religious Education Room, and Social Hall.
Borrowing Materials
Library materials may be borrowed by anyone in the Fellowship Directory. Loans on most items are for one month.
For more information and for reader’s advice, contact our librarian by email to