Our Congregation has committed to financial sustainability with an overwhelming vote to proceed with a Capital Campaign!

We are a thriving congregation and should be able to raise over $700,000.  This is great news!!  This amount or more will put us in the black, meaning we will not lose our spiritual home we worked so hard to manifest, and we will be bringing in more than we spend, every year!  Every dollar we reduce the mortgage decreases the amount we pay in interest.  We would be paying $500,000 in interest to the Bank over the life of our mortgage! We’d rather that money goes to CVUUF!

We are now making preparations to kick off the capital campaign.  To ensure a successful launch, we will be asking our leaders and some of our larger donors for their support, so that when the Capital Campaign officially begins on April 8th, we should already have collected a substantial amount.  In April & May we will be meeting with every member of the congregation, asking for their financial commitments. We want to make sure that 100% of us have the opportunity to be involved, no matter what we are able to donate.  Then, in June, we’re done & we celebrate!  We are working on an accelerated timeline so the campaign is completed as quickly as possible.

We know every single one of us is committed to the future of this Fellowship, regardless of their financial situation.  We will strive for a stress free, cheerful and informative campaign. We will honor every donation of every size, and every person.

Are you IN?

We are on the cusp of becoming so much more effective at living our mission.  A capital campaign will solve the problem of our viability as we move into the future.  We will be taking in as much or more than we spend.  We will be able to focus on our mission instead of our debt, and if we focus on our mission, we will grow and change the world for the better.

  • Parents, think about what it’s worth to you that your children grow up in this place & share your values.
  • Adults, think about growing older here, among cherished friends who love and support you.
  • Everyone, think about having a place that nurtures your spiritual growth and inspires your search for meaning.

Thank you for your support!!!