Onsite & Online ~ 10 am
Reverend Nica Eaton & Merlin Snider
Our Sacred Earth in Words and Music
What comes to mind when you think of sacred spaces? A cathedral, a temple, a burial ground? Native American spirituality teaches us that we are all intimately connected to the natural world and every being around us. Likewise, John Muir, and our transcendentalist forbearers, saw the natural world as sacred and divine. The earth herself is our sacred space. But our Mother Earth is in trouble right now, which means we are in trouble. Yet, “No one will protect what they don’t care about; and no one will care about what they have never experienced,” said David Attenborough. Today Rev Nica and Merlin Snider will use music and words to reflect upon our sacred space, Earth.
Theme – Invitation
Welcome – Reverend Nica Eaton
Introduction – Merlin Snider
Call to Worship – Reverend Nica Eaton
Chalice Lighting – Merlin Snider
Opening Song – “We are Children of the Earth” by Reverend Nica Eaton
Time for All Ages – Discover instruments with Rev. Nica Eaton and Merlin Snider and sing ‘Earth my Body’ chant
Manna Collection – Reverend Nica Eaton
Announcements – Merlin Snider
Singing the Children Out – Anthony Concepcion & Reverend Nica Eaton
Offering Words – Special Collection for CFROG, introduced by Haley Ehlers.
Offering Music – “Hide and Seek”, written and performed by Merlin Snider.
Receiving the Offering – Reverend Nica Eaton
Joys and Sorrows – You may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chatbox during the service if you are online. If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can also email your joys or concerns during the week to
Time of Meditation – Reverend Nica Eaton
Meditation Song – Earth chant written and led by Merlin Snider
Songs and Poetry – “Our Sacred Earth in Words and Music” by Reverend Nica Eaton & Merlin Snider
Closing Hymn – “Thanksgiving Song” written and led by Merlin Snider
Extinguishing the Chalice – Reverend Nica Eaton
Closing Words – Reverend Nica Eaton
Postlude – Anthony Concepcion