Onsite & Online ~ 10 am
Matt Chapa
Knock Knock
Everyone knows “knock knock” jokes as variations of a well trod formula that are never really funny, if anything, just barely amusing… The focus of the service will be on the power of really having a NEW year, versus a revised and updated last year through the power of being open to the presence of being present, versus just being on auto-pilot and reacting. Waking up each day in a sort of Groundhog Day reality versus jumping off the cliff in a Butch & Sundance or Thelma & Louise or Harold & Maude fashion of living in the moment and harvesting a bracing version of what we could be.
Introduction – Jill Schlaus
Welcome – Matt Chapa
Call to Worship – Matt Chapa
Chalice Lighting – Jill Schlaus
Opening Hymn – #1024 “When the Spirit Says Do ”
Time for All Ages – “What To Do With a Chance”, written by Koi Yamada, and illustrated by Mae Besom
Manna Collection – Jill Schlaus
Announcements – Jill Schlaus
Singing the Children Out – Anthony Concepcion
Offering Words – Special Collection for Harbor House
Offering Music – “Heaven in a Wildflower” by Bill Douglas, poem by William Blake. Performed by the Chalice Choir under the direction of Anthony Concepcion.
Receiving the Offering – Matt Chapa
Joys and Sorrows – If you are online you may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chatbox during the service or text them to: 805 603-1213. If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can also email your joys or concerns during the week to
A Time of Meditation – Matt Chapa
Meditation Song – “Open My Heart” taught by Jill Schlaus.
Sermon – “Knock Knock ”- Matt Chapa
Closing Hymn – #1017 “Building a New Way”
Benediction – Matt Chapa
Extinguishing the Chalice – Jill Schlaus
Closing Words – Matt Chapa
Postlude – Anthony Concepcion