These guidelines have been revised on August 31, 2021 due to the Delta variant and the changing science regarding transmission. They may be revised again as the year progresses.
- We urge only vaccinated people attend indoor events at Chalice.
- Please remain masked during the meeting.
- Kindly maintain a six foot distance from each other.
- Small groups may only meet in the large Fellowship Hall until further notice.
- The doors in Fellowship Hall shall remain open during meetings, to facilitate ventilation.
- Attendance should be recorded either on the Small Group Attendance Form* or electronically via Breeze at each meeting. Please submit it to the Chalice Administrator within 48 hours of meeting in case any contact tracing needs to be done.
- If you feel symptoms associated with Covid please do not attend in person.
- If you feel symptoms in the week after the meeting contact the group leader and Chalice Administrator.
- Please read the new Covid Addendum to our Covenant of Good Relations** at each meeting of each small group.
- The group leader is responsible for the group’s adherence to these safety protocols.
- These protocols are to be used for all Chalice sponsored events on Chalice’s site, and are recommended for off site events as well. The attendance form should be used regardless of where the event takes place.
*Here is the link to the Small Group Attendance Form
**Covid Addendum to our Covenant of Good Relations