Podcast: Chalice Sermons

Wisdom and the Art of Not Mansplaining

One of the best gifts a man can give is the gift of hearing and listening. Yet we often can’t stop ourselves from ruining the gift with advice, explanations, and “here’s what you should do-isms.” Explore the speaker’s journey down the path of becoming a better listener, something he continually fails at. 

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She Persisted – The Wisdom of Women

Women around the world have faced tremendous challenges and subjugation throughout the ages. Yet thankfully, they have persisted in sharing their dreams, wisdom, and gifts with the wider world. This service will explore women’s wisdom and their determination to make a difference, against many odds.

Wisdom of Our Youth

A five-year old was asked what made his day so awesome. His reply was simply, “because I wanted to be.” Our children and youth are truly deep wells of knowledge, capable of showing us pathways we had forgotten even existed. Let’s take time to find what else we can learn from these spectacular human beings!

Our Resilient Earth

Our planet is under attack. And yet, it has existed for billions of years, in many different forms. Ultimately it is likely our planet will make it through our current climate crisis. It is resilient. Our human future is less assured. How do we live resiliently through such uncertainty in partnership with our earth?

Cheating Death

We all know there are no guarantees in life. Facing deadly illness and other threats calls on us to be resilient and find the strength to carry on. I’ll explore my own often perilous challenges and how I survived to lead a life of joy and gratitude. Chalice congregation member Deryck True shares his experience.

Finding Resilience in Challenging Times

Life throws curve balls at us, whether in our personal lives, our work or from the world around us. Struggles, loss and challenges are an inevitable part of the human experience. Explore how we can find and strengthen our resilience during challenging times, so we can ride the waves of life with more grace, courage and resilience.

What is Right?

Services at 9:15 & 11:00

Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “Conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when we must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but we must do it because Conscience tells us it is right.” How did Martin Luther King, Jr. and other great leaders figure out what is right? What did they teach us about listening to and acting on our conscience and integrity? Join us on this Martin Luther King Sunday to explore discerning, What is Right?