Podcast: Chalice Sermons

Who Belongs in America?

Services at 9:15 & 11:00a
On what is traditionally celebrated as Columbus Day weekend, we celebrate Indigenous People’s Day and look at who truly belongs in America. We are thrilled that a Chumash and Tatavian Elder, Alan Salazar, will be joining us for this service to tell the ancient story of his people on this land. Salazar is a traditional storyteller and canoe paddler and will share tales of his life and ancestors with our children and adults. Join us for this special treat. We also urge you to attend Chalice’s theatrical production of ‘Voices of a People’s History of the United States’ happening this weekend.

Longing for Belonging

Services at 9:15 & 11:00a
Aren’t we all longing for belonging in some way, to find our tribe, our people, the place where we can feel at home? For some of us, we find a profound sense of belonging in our families. For others, we find it in our communities, among our friends, in our nation or out in nature. Where do you belong? Where do you feel most at home? What is your spiritual lesson about belonging?

The Power of We

Services at 9:15 & 11:00
This year’s General Assembly in Spokane, WA was entitled ‘The Power of We’. It explored how we, as a faith, can move forward collectively rather than thinking of ourselves as individual congregations and people. Several participants in this year’s GA will be sharing their reflections, and Rev Nica will speak on the latest developments in our wider faith movement. This service will also honor our congregation’s commitment to being a ‘Welcoming Congregation’ and to preparing our community for the second annual Conejo Pride Festival.

What can we expect from Unitarian Universalism?

Many people call Unitarian Universalism the religion of the future. What are some of the things that differentiate Unitarian Universalism from other religions? What expectations can we have of our faith tradition? As we gather to celebrate our Ingathering with our annual water ceremony, we look at what binds us together as a faith tradition, and what we can expect. Join us as we return to 2 services at 9:15 and 11.

Hidden Labor: The Work That Americans Won’t Do

One service at 10 am
George W. Bush once noted that immigrants in the United States often do the labor that “Americans won’t do.” These jobs often include menial labor such as picking strawberries, cleaning hotels, bussing tables and mowing lawns. However, it is not only immigrants that do this work; other non-majority peoples such as African Americans and indigenous people do this work, often without recognition or thanks. This service will look into the importance of invisible labor, touching on issues such as what it means to be an American.

Beloved Conversations

One Service at 10:00am only 
Conscious conversations around race and the role it plays in our society are vital especially these days. Issues of race confront us in our politics, our daily lives and in this country’s history since its founding. This past spring 14 members of our congregation participated in a program called “Beloved Conversations” to gain greater consciousness around the role race plays in our lives. Join us as we share our spiritual realizations why it is so important to be more mindful of race.

Jazz Basketball and Other Keys to Happiness

One Service at 10 am ONLY 
Jazz basketball is a term from author, activist, and basketball great Kareem Abdul Jabbar and it refers to the creative interplay of the individual player and the team, like a soloist in a jazz ensemble. It is one more way of understanding what it means to live a whole and happy life in balance with Nature, the Universe, the Tao, or Way, as the Taoists call it. Finding harmony of ego and the greater self and our community is the challenge and the opportunity this life gives us.

How do you love?

One Service Only Service at 10:00 am
If the main way we can change the world is by opening our hearts to one another and loving more, how do you do that? How does your unique call to bring more love to this world express itself? Can we bring more love to our families and friends, to our community and those we don’t know? How might we love those who are difficult to love? Join us to explore how Unitarian Universalism calls each of us to grow and express our love, so we may help heal the world.

The Spiritual Sweet Spot

Service at 10:00am only 
This week, Rev. Nica returns from her study leave and summer break. Today she shares the fruits of her reflections and insights with us. Join us for our minister’s musings.