Podcast: Chalice Sermons

Trusting Life

Services at 9:15 & 11:00
When everything around us is changing so rapidly, how can we let go of our expectations and trust in the flow of life? When things seem chaotic and unfamiliar, do we seek to control or is there a way to surrender to trust. Join us for this exploration on riding the rollercoaster of life.

Letting God

Services at 9:15 & 11:00
Making space for the mystery to move in our lives is a radical act of trust. To find that balancing act between what is practical to do now and practicing non-attachment to outcomes moves this act from trust to faith. Gather with us for a service that invites us to identify how we might let go and let mystery move in our lives.

The Future of Church

ONE SERVICE only that day at 9:15 with a Congregational Meeting at 11 afterward
Unitarian Universalists are theologically progressive, but often considered ecclesiastically conservative. How do we move with the times to co-create relevant, engaging church, to avoid the attendance decline that so many denominations are experiencing? How do we befriend the possibility of change, when change is so hard for many people. These times are unprecedented. Join us to explore new possibilities.

Over the Rainbow

Services at 9:15 & 11:00 

Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most inspirational, visionary leaders of our modern times. He spoke of a world of possibility in which all are treated with dignity and respect. How do we realize possibilities that at times can seem impossible? Join us to explore whether the possibilities and dreams envisioned by visionary leaders lay somewhere over the rainbow, or they are achievable realities?

Aligning our Habits with our Values

Services at 9:15 & 11:00
After her Community Forum the night before, Amy Halpern-Laff will join Reverend Nica to explore the possibility of aligning our habits with our values. If we are serious about honoring the interdependent web of all existence and stemming climate change, what habits might we consider shifting? Join us to explore how to make the world a little healthier for all.

Remembering the Good

On this Sunday before Thanksgiving, in the midst of all the turmoil in the Conejo Valley, we turn our attention to the good in our lives. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face, especially at this time. It can feel like a daily onslaught, a constant uphill struggle, juggling disasters, illness and stress. So this Sunday, we’ll intentionally shift our perspective to remember all the good we share – the good that has been, is now and is yet to come. Join us to celebrate gratitude as a community.